Why Do You Write?

I was scrolling across blogs post and one asked me a question. “Why do you write?” Before life kicked in over drive me answer is to share my thoughts with the world in have the reader feel a sense of freedom. You know? A freedom to “be” in what whatever that looks like for them and to make it contagious on to others. For years I’ve notice that I would unconsciously ask permission for things that are already mine. Then I discovered that others do it too….it’s become a norm across the globe.

What I write is an ongoing conversation bringing light to someone who hasn’t felt moved to have one. Some day’s I’ll write in my notes lyrics that speak to my heart. On most days having my pen move on the paper is freeing and at times when it seems like my mouth is zipped closed…it’s all I got when the words don’t come out. Have you ever been there?  As though your mind was filled but speaking to a person won’t do the justice of bringing clarity to what’s going on in the deepest levels of you? When I write the words form themselves and make sense of what my mind is bringing me on a plate that my flesh pushes away without even taking a look.. 

So I write….

and I get lost in it. 

a woman wearing sunglasses pasted on a building wall
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Pexels.com

It’s really something special to look back at my writings from 1 year, 6 months, or even a week ago and see where my mind was and where I’m at today.. I’m humbled by my constant growth. It is infinite and I’m thankful. SO thankful. I feel like I’m not alive if I’m not growing and my words show me that I am. Side note: people who refuse to grow make me nervous. You too? Nah? Fine.

Anyway. Why do I write? Because there’s freedom and release in it. It lasts  longer than me. I can refer back to it when I feel like I’m not growing. On the paper, I feel safe when there’s times I really need to vent or just flow  and my go to person is unavailable. It’s what motivates me to flow and it’s Holy when I get the time. 

Do you write? I would love to know why if you do.

With love,

Candace Kinlaw

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Recommended Books to read

Don’t Settle for Safe: Embracing the Uncomfortable to Become Unstoppable

The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Daniel Etaze says:

    I write to share my insights with and also to encourage other people while encouraging myself too. I write to share God’s word as commanded, i write to educate and learn at the same time. I write to share my experiences, i write because what is not written down can easily be forgotten.

    Write the vision, and make it plain
    Habakkuk 2:2 KJV

    Liked by 1 person

  2. BEYNYC says:

    I write because it helps bring my thoughts to life, it allows me to share my ideas and feeling with the world, knowing that others share the same insight gives me both hope and courage

    Liked by 1 person

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